We partner with Resources
(09:00 - 16:00 Mon- Frid)
Dar es salaanm - Tanzania


We do small scale underground mining. We also provide C.I.P processing services to clients, as well as Insurance services.


Hexad’s valuable asset are the employees. The company understands the importance of providing and maintaining safe working environment to the employees. The safety of our people is our highest priority. We create a safe and healthy working environment to our employees, contractors and visitors.


Respect is one of the six Hexad’s values. Respecting the environment, health and safety wellbeing of our people, visitors, and communities, in and around the areas where we operate. Respect is essential for our achievements, as it fosters positive relationships and a sense of belonging.

Social Responsibility

We are actively engaging with the local communities in the village where we operate the mine. We also support and contribute to the development of different sectors aligned by the local government.

Responsible mining

Hexad strike a balance between productivity and environmental preservation, ensuring sustainable and responsible mining, and guarantiing productivity to our shareholders, employees and the neighbouring community.
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Head Office Address:

P.O Box: 8494 Mikocheni , Dar es salaam - Tanzania

Office Call:

+255 [0] 745 443 322
+255 [0] 715 561 306
+255 [0] 626 529186

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